Saxophone Player
Featured Videos & Poems
2. Afrobeat: The New Dance Music
Traditional rituals of self expression
Painting the sky with colors
As the bodies move
And skin shines
Proudly presenting the hues
And the people dance to the beat of our blood
Perpetuating the motion of our nature
As a veneration to our history
And we sway night and day
In perfect sync
With our African culture.
The community of beats
Is an invitation of happiness
That invokes truth and unity
As the people come together
In cheerful moves
The smiles and the beats
Are one with the wind
As we make our dreams turn into a reality
And you can feel it in your heart
You can sense it with your mind
The music comes to life through our steps
And the hands are thrown up in the air
It’s a soul in motion
Reviving the will of our ancestors
Immortalizing our sounds
Into the world of the new.
Listen to the soft chants of joy
They will guide your steps
And protect your intentions
As you let go of your inhibitions
And feel the beats of our music
Taking control of every inch.
The new dance music
A sound inspired by the roots of a country
That will not falter
And will not give up
A place full of wonders
And fruitful blessings
With the protection of the sun and the moon
And the guidance of our inherited wisdom.
Let the rhythm of our people
Stimulate your every sense
Feel it deep inside you
And indulge.
Our tender beats of passion
Echo across the world
As our essence lives on
In the most pure practice
Of love and honor.
3. Saxophonists Are Lovers
Saxophonists are lovers
Because they take pain and sorrow
And they turn it into music
Transforming the negative energy
Into love
Into passion.
Saxophonists are lovers because they caress their woodwinds
They dig deep into their souls
And extract these smooth sounds of jazz
While we remain vigilant upon a world
That has been blessed by their melody
Saxophonists melt their essence
into their instrument
They pour their heart out
And sacrifice a piece of themselves
To create their beautiful music.
Saxophonists are determined
They defeat all the obstacles
Because there is no reward with no effort
And their passion fills up any room
Through their smooth sounds of jazz.
Saxophonists are strong
Their mind goes over their bodies
As they squeeze out their lungs
Blowing into their brass
To give us the sounds
That we’re all cheering for.
Saxophonists are skilled
Because their talent is real
And their raw potential is multiplied
By the consistency of their efforts
As they reach the stars
And achieve success.
Saxophonists are smooth
Because their silken spell of chimes
Soothes any soul
And calms any mind
Feeding the hearts
With blues and jazz.
Saxophonists are lovers because they heal the world
They mystify the meaning of jazz and blues
And add their unique flair to the sounds
Leaving their mark in the world
And touching hearts
As they elevate their performance
With human emotion
And delicate touch.
Saxophonists are lovers because they don’t hold back
They give it all for their music
Any means necessary.
Saxophonists are humans
That have evolved into messengers
Of divine sounds
That echo in the soul.
Saxophonists are lovers because they would never destroy
All they do is create
And make art.
4. Jazz Saxophonists Work Hard and Play Hard
Work hard, play hard
A Saxophonist is but a vessel
A vehicle for blessings
A human version of symphony
That reverberates within any bounds
Breaking through the barriers
Expanding the horizons
Spreading joy and glory
With their soulful art
As they enter a life of glamour
That rewards their efforts
With the soft touch of Jazz.
Work hard, play harder
A Saxophonist knows their role
And they’re aware of their importance
But they remain humble
Even through the praises
Because they know that the path they follow
Paves the way for more talent
As they think of the ones that came before them
And inspired their journey
Into the road of music.
Work hard, play hard
A Saxophonist’s job is to please
They know that without their input
The world wouldn’t be the same
The sounds would have no impact
The songs would have no harmony
Saxophonists work hard
And they play even harder
To deliver a selfless offering
Of pure talent
And raw passion
As Jazz comes alive with the punch of metals
But it requires taste
And skillful mastery
Of the beautiful craft
Saxophonists are artists
And they tame the wild
Through their brass
And create the most perfect balance
Of power and grace
Producing a delicate sound
That ropes you in
And enchants you
Without startling you at any moment
Without letting you fall
The sound of Jazz embraces you
Envelops you.
Jazz Saxophonists work hard, they play hard
They do all that they can to give us amazing music
And make the world a better place.
5. Sax Player, Play Me Some Love
Saxophone Player
Play me some love!
And show me the sounds of the heavens above.
A lot of people have taken for granted
The sweet sound of Jazz
But they don’t know what they’re missing!
They ain’t got no class!
Brass of Gold and sounds of metals
That flow through nature as falling petals.
Saxophone Player
Play me some blues!
Amuse and delight me
With a sound I can’t refuse!
Cruise through the scriptures with artful ease
Saxophone Player!
Play me a Masterpiece!
And invade my senses while I feel the breeze
Of a brand new day that has been blessed by your graceful music.
Saxophone Player
Play me some tunes!
Let the waves bounce around across this empty room
Make me swoon through the day
and into the afternoon
So the sound of your love
Will take control of me soon
While it has me singing
and howling at the moon.
Saxophone Player
Play me a song!
Make me feel like nothing’s wrong!
And create a new world for me
One where I belong.
Heal my soul! And I’ll sing along
With the sound of the Sax that makes my head lighter
And my heart strong.
Saxophone Player
Play me a hit!
Evoke my deepest emotions
Bit by bit
While you transmit the means of your soul
Through the clean sounds that you emit.
Saxophone Player!
Play me your golden tone!
As the enchanting melody of the Saxophone
Transports me to a world of my own
Where I’m never sad and never alone
And that’s the greatest feeling
I’ve ever known.
6. African Jazz Is My Way of Life
African Jazz is my way of life
Because it honors the sounds of nature
Combining them with the beat of the drums
And making the songs come alive
With the powerful blast of brass
As the influence of our roots
Goes deep into the rivers
That flow through my heart
And feed my essence
With the soulful tenor
And silken grace
In the most profound embrace
Of my loving culture.
African Jazz is my way of life
It resonates with my disposition
And fills my heart with pride
I hold my head high and take in the music
And I can’t help but experience
A profound feeling of admiration
Of those who create
These astounding sounds
Reviving the beats of our people
Perpetuating our race
And glorifying our traditions.
African Jazz is my way of life
And what a good life it is
Always in glee
From the influence
Of the enchanting tunes
That boost my pleasure
And allow me to enjoy
Every moment of my days
Without forgetting
The beautiful place where I come from.
African Jazz is my way of life
It’s a part of who I am
I carry it in my blood
And in my manners
In my walk
The songs of Africa
Are ingrained into my soul
And in the most hip style of Jazz
I ride the wave
Feeling the beat echo into my body
Allowing this wonderful music
To guide my steps
And set the tone
For all the good things in life
African Jazz is joyful
African Jazz is bright
African Jazz is my way of life.
7. Music Interpreter Always Coming Through
An ode to the sounds of glory
A repetition of the greatest songs of our time
A man plays the tunes of yesterday
And a woman sings along
Evoking human connection
And forging the bonds of peace
That unite the people from all walks of life
And fans the flame in the hearts
Of all those who seek warmth
Because the fire of passion
Never dies
Never falter
Never ends.
An interpreter always comes through
A person steps up and comes forward
Stripping away all the layers
With no inhibitions
And sings away like there’s no tomorrow
Or plays an instrument from their heart and soul
Pouring their passion into their performance
Becoming a graceful muse that breaks through the pain
Cleansing the world from sorrow
Putting the corrupted to sleep
With the melody of love
The melody of peace.
A memory is unlocked
By someone who honors the sounds of our soul
And the past is no longer before us
You feel it on your skin
It comes crawling back
Slowly taking over you
And the sadness
And the pain
Or the joy and happiness
It all comes rushing in
As if the moment was repeated
As if you were going through it again
And the music was nurturing you
Revealing a new meaning
That you did not see before
Because personal growth comes with new perspectives
Even through the same songs.
And when the reproduction of these playful chords strikes the heart
A new door cracks open
Granting access to a reality
That has been influenced by music
Through the revival of human nature
In a ritual of love
And you feel different
As soon as the beats enter your ear
And they resonate within you
Your vision changes
Everything becomes brighter
As if it was made better
By music.
8. Nigerian Saxophonist on a Journey
The Saxophone player was from Nigeria
You could tell that his demeanor was serious
He was ready to tame everyone in the area
And make the crowds roar in hysteria.
The Saxophone player held his head very high
He believed in his music and knew he was fly
He’d walk among the people with protection from the sky
And observed his surroundings with a very wistful eye.
The Saxophone player had hopes and dreams
He was willing to take himself through the most extreme
So that he could get the roars and screams
In a concert he’d play in New Orleans.
So he began the journey through the world of new
Traveled across the south and the west and east too
Held his saxophone tight playing all kinds of blues
Carrying Afro jazz in his soul like most Nigerians do.
And he made his way into the streets of the city
There he was, right into the nitty gritty
And the lights of Louisiana were so bright and pretty
The best place for a man who was smart and witty.
“There’s the saxophone player! He’s new in town!
I want him to show me if he can get down”
And as they dared him to perform he did not frown
But played the most beautiful music for everyone around.
“Saxophone player! Your skills delight me!
Your sounds strike me in the heart!
They make me feel free!
I’m sure everyone here would agree
That your masterful sound filleveryone with glee”
“I have to be honest! I am impressed!
And I meant this, I don’t say it in jest!
I didn’t expect this! You’re different from the rest!
Please, accept my request and by my guest!
I beg you grace, this isn’t a test!
I come from the west and I want to hire you.
If we work together we’ll show the world
That you’re the best.”
9. Famous Saxophone Players in my Bed
Although it may seem a bit dark and gray
I truly don’t want them to go away!
The playful apparitions
Are the ghosts of great musicians
Some are still alive, some have passed away
A different one visits me at the end of every day
They put me to bed every single night
And I fall asleep listening to their tunes of delight!
They play me songs with their Saxophones
With overtones of jazz and blues.
So I have to tell you…
There are Sax players in my bed!
I swear I see them
It’s not all in my head!
Last night I was with Kenny G
He polished notes and played for me
“Forever in love” nurtured me into sleep
And the next night I was visited by Sonny Sttit!
He produced his tenor without holding back
As I listened attentively to every track
He was in my bed! He sat next to me!
And I was the happiest I could ever be
Some thing happened and life was getting harder
I felt so empty and like such a martyr
During that night of shadows everything got darker
But then I got the visit of Charlie Parker!
He played jazz for me with style and class
As if his soul was an extension of the shiny brass
And you won’t believe who’s here with me tonight
If it isn’t the one and only Mr. Arthur Blythe!
I’m so lucky to have all these stars in my bed
And it’s not in my head! They’re here in my bed!
Yeah, some of them are dead…
But if you could get in my head
You’d see them
And believe what I said.
10. South African Jazz Tastes Like My Lady
An overwhelming wave of passion
Goes through my body at once
While these soulful tunes echo inside me
And my nature reacts
To the sweet, sweet sound of Jazz.
South African delight
A melody that tastes like my lady
Sweet and soft
Nice and smooth
I’m hungry for more
I can never get enough.
South African Jazz
The woman I love
I barely see any difference
They make me a better man
They make me whole.
Only one thing can compare
To the sweet sound of my Jazz
As nothing can make me happier
Than my music
And the warm embrace of my lovely woman.
My lifeblood
The only things I’ll ever need
Are my jazz and my woman
And I’ll calm my hunger
Satiate the craving
For exquisite art.
With the tunes I heal my pain
Vibrating with it
I lose myself
And slowly let go
Of my woes and my worries
I let it guide me
Floating into the music
Until I find my peace.
I drown my sorrows
And celebrate my life
As I take a deep dive
Into the body of my paramour.
Oh, South African Jazz
You taste like my lady
And what delicious sensation
To be invaded by the love of music
While my other half makes this world a better place.
A song that feels like a kiss
And the voice of my lady that sounds like a song
I cannot tell which one I love more
Both feed my heart and revive my soul.
South African Jazz
You taste like my lady
You enchant me
And I keep falling in love
With these sweet sounds
And I want more.
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